Learn the art of AERIAL DANCE ONLINE! A.D.O. is a learning space created by Holly Ann Jarvis, dedicated to understanding and exploring aerial theory, technique and artistry through inspirational content, skills libraries, aerial tutorials, courses and one-on-one classes.
Since 2018, Holly has been an adjunct faculty member teaching Intro to Aerial Dance 1450 and 3450 at Weber State University’s Department of Performing Arts in Ogden, Utah. A pioneer of the aerial sling,Holly’s unique style and approach to aerial dance has influenced thousands of aerialists across the globe. She has traveled the world teaching hundreds of students—in countries like Greece, China, Nicaragua and Singapore—sharing the same skills and methods you view right now in your very own space.
NOTE: Holly’s old online platform has been migrated to this new software. If you are a current member of A.D.O/Holly’s Online Studio and registered before November 2024, log-in to your account here to access your account. Please contact Holly if you would like to migrate your account to this new software/platform.
Get full acess to all Aerial Dance Online content.
Get access to Holly's Sling Flow Salon Archives! A video library of sling sequences and creations from over 13 years of aerial training. The SFS Archive videos are not in a tutorial format.
NEW! A growing video catalogue of aerial arts/dance skills on a variety of apparatuses. Currently offered in the Skills Library: Beginning Silks Reference Videos (Not in tutorial format). Additional content coming soon: reference videos for beginning/advanced skills on aerial silks, aerial sling, lyra, and lollipop lyra.